Ethics and integrity guide our behavior and inspire our business

At MAXAM, we share principles of ethics and integrity that inspire company management:
our hallmarks in all the markets in which we operate.

Code of ethics

Our Code of Ethics constitutes a mechanism of self-regulation, defines the essence of our behavior and reflects the way we make decisions within the organization, as individuals and as a company. This code of ethics is applied generally to all the companies in MAXAM and all employees, managers and administrators.

Whistleblower Channel

MAXAM launches a new Speak up that improves the performance of the existing one and meets the requirements of the new regulation regarding the protection of whistleblowers. As of June 13, 2023, the new Speak up will be running, which will mean a step forward in the Group's commitment to ethics and compliance.


Compliance Officer

The Compliance Officer ensures the correct application of both the company’s Code of Ethics and Money Laundering Prevention Policy. It is supported by the Ethics and Compliance Committee for this purpose.

MAXAM also makes available to employees and third parties a channel through which they can process any query or complaint with total confidentiality if a breach of the Code of Ethics or Money Laundering Prevention Policy is detected.


The Ethics and Compilance Commitee is composed of.

Compliance Officer
Permanent members:
General Counsel
Global Head Human Resources
Chief Financial Officer
Non-permanent members:
Chairman & CEO
General Manager